2000 years ago when the Greeks discovered rubbing amber with fur would attract some light objects like fur or feather; and the two rubbed amber ends would repel each other.
In the 17th century, the English scientist William Gilbert redid the Greek experiment and found out about magnetism and electrical attraction
Also in 1752, Ben Franklin with his kite and key experiment concluded that lightning was the form of the electricity, one step closer to the discovering secret of nature
In the beginning of the 19th century, the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta discovered the first battery.
In 1825, Georg Simon Ohm was able to define the fundamental relationship between voltage, current, and resistance or the components. The equation I = V/R is known as "Ohm’s Law"
In 1820, Copenhagen University lecture, Oersted's discovery was one of the rarest discoveries that actually happened in his lecture while he was trying to show his students the phenomenon of electricity.he concluded that there was a connection between the electricity and magnetism

In the 18th century, German clerk Ewald Georg von Kleist and Dutch professor Van Musschenbroek at Leiden University invented the Leiden jar that can store the electricity, the first capacitor in 1746
In 1820, The French physicist Andre Marie Ampere was successful in taking magnetism to another level.With his highly mathematical experience, he demonstrated completely the law of forces between wires carrying current that the forces exerted on the wire is directly proportional to its length

In 1832, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction and the generation of current due to the change in magnetic field.
On October 1879, Thomas Edison and his staff succeeded in using carbonized filament in his vacuumed bulb, the first light bulb
Nikola Tesla came up with basic principals of the poly-phase (AC) induction motor generator in 1883, and created a model that can generate 400W by 1888.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Nikola_Tesla_on_Time_Magazine_1931.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyphase_system#/media/File:3_phase_AC_waveform.svg